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IBM C9020-567 IBM Enterprise Storage Sales V5 Questions C9020-567 Practice Test 2017
What simplifies customer training requirements for storage management across multiple IBM enterprise offerings?
A. Redbooks
B. Storage GUIs
C. DS Storage Manager
D. Directed Maintenance Package
Answer: B
Which IBM solution will provide 400 TB of NFS storage?
B. DS8870
C. Storwize V7000
D. IBM Spectrum Scale
Answer: D
Which key metric drives a customer's disaster recovery strategy?
Answer: B
Which tool should be used to predict response times and model performance for a DS8870?
A. TCOnow!
B. Disk Magic
C. Batch Magic
D. Capacity Magic
Answer: B
Which IBM storage product should a sales specialist propose to a customer who wants to acquire an IBM z13 and storage for a z/OS 400 TB DB2 application?
B. DS8870
C. Storwize V7000
D. IBM Spectrum Scale
Answer: B
A bank customer has two sites in Italy and France. One site uses IBM storage and the other uses a competitor.
Which IBM solution is required for block storage when unifying the sites for disaster recovery?
C. DS8000
D. IBM Spectrum Control
Answer: D
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