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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration MB2-716 Real Questions 2017
You add a lookup for contacts to the case form.You need to display the most recent primary phone number for a contact on the case form while minimizing administrative effort.What should you do?
A. Use a workflow to copy the phone number to a new field on the case when the contact changes.
B. Use a quick view form to display the phone number.
C. Use a web resource to query and display the phone number.
D. Use field mapping during record creation to copy the phone number to a new field on the case.
Answer: D
You are creating a set of system views. Which three options can you configure for the views? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. read, write, and delete permissions
B. append, assign, and share permissions
C. default sort order for results
D. the widths of each column
E. the columns to display
Answer: CDE
Which two statements are exclusive to managed solutions and not unmanaged solutions?
Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
A. You cannot export the solution.
B. When you remove the solution, all components items included in the solution are removed.
C. You must define entity assets for every entity that you add to the solution.
D. You must select a publisher for the solution
Answer: BC
Which of the following chart types can be configured as an organization-owned chart but not as a user owned chart?
A. bar and line
B. tag or doughnut
C. line and multi-series
D. area and funnel
Answer: D
You implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 for customers.
A customer reports that their sales support staff is taking too much time updating the probability on opportunities.
You must display an Editable Grid control when users view the Opportunity entity from the web. You must display a read-only grid when users view opportunities on a tablet device.
What should you do?
A. On the Opportunity entity, clear the Enable for mobile setting.
B. On the Outlook and Mobile Settings page for the Opportunity entity, configure the Organization data download filter.
C. On the Opportunity entity, select the Tablet option for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Read-only Grid setting.
D. On the Opportunity entity, select the Read-only in mobile setting
Answer: A
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