Killtest C9010-260 IBM Power Systems with POWER8 Sales Skills V2 Practice Exam adhere to the same syllabus then true C9010-260 IBM Certified Sales Specialist certification exam, most of us in addition continuously update IBM C9010-260 test questions and answers so you always get the best and up to date info.
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C9010-260 IBM Power Systems with POWER8 Sales Skills V2 Practice Questions Killtest C9010-260 Training 2017
Which of the following features does POWER8 scale-out system provide?
A. memory capacity on demand expansion
B. processor capacity on demand expansion
C. redundant service processor
D. solid state disk drives
Answer: D
A customer has a BladeCenter S (BCS) with an 8-core POWER6 blade, 1 5TB of storage and an external LTO tape drive installed. They want to upgrade to a P0WER8.
Which of the following is the lowest cost recommendation to satisfy their requirement?
A. Flex System and POWER8 node
B. S824
C. POWER8 blade in the current BCS
D. S814
Answer: D
What is a limitation of the 4-core S814 model once installed? Inability to change the:
A. change rack to tower
B. operating system from AIX to Linux.
C. disk controller from non-cache to cache
D. attached tape drive from LTO-5 to LTO-6.
Answer: A
How does POWER8 technology bring to lower TCO?
A. higher performance core can reduce software license.
B. RAS feature means that no longer need to spend any cost on a failover system.
C. Power systems of lower energy consumption can be reduce 20% of the system cost.
D. Software License and Capacity on Demand make the minimum number of software license core.
Answer: A
PowerVM Enterprise Edition provides which availability function?
A. High availability failover
B. Live Application Mobility incase of a system failure
C. Policy based workload relocation
D. Live Partition Mobility
Answer: D
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