The FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Exam has turned into so renowned that a huge number of participants are considering getting success in it in order to attain success in a particular area in the arena of Information Technology. Killtest FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals CompTIA FC0-U51 Practice Questions have such a fabulous worth as it helps contestants to achieve maximum level of employments in renowned IT firms in their specific area of interest. Before you make your decision to buy Killtest FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals CompTIA FC0-U51 Practice Questions, you can have a try on the free demo. In this way, you can know the quality of Killtest FC0-U51 practice exam and make your best choice. CompTIA FC0-U51 exam require hands-on experience and working knowledge about the FC0-U51 product, it is highly recommended that you use the FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals CompTIA FC0-U51 Practice Questions provided by Killtest to help you get high score on FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Exam exam. FC0-U51 practice questions are built with full coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach.
CompTIA FC0-U51 Exam Questions, Killtest Real CompTIA FC0-U51 Training Materials
Which of the following technologies would allow a user to run multiple operating systems at the same time on a single computer?
A. Telepresence
B. Cloud-based software
C. Virtualization software
D. Productivity software
Answer: C
A user wants to update a driver for additional features. Where would the user find a current version of the driver from an official source?
A. Manufacturer’s CD/DVD that came with the computer
B. Manufacturer’s web site
C. Internet community support forums
D. Third-party support web sites
Answer: B
A user has finished running the initial operating system setup wizard. Which of the following would be BEST for the user to do next?
A. Verify Internet connectivity
B. Install productivity software
C. Install security software
D. Add other user accounts
Answer: C
Which of the following should be done to reduce physical safety hazards around a newly installed computer?
A. Verify all connections are seated properly.
B. Avoid placing other computers nearby.
C. Bundle loose cables with zip ties or Velcro straps.
D. Attach all peripherals to the computer.
Answer: C
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