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Killtest NS0-191 Test Questions, Killtest NS0-191 Study Materials
Click the Exhibit tab.
Your customer's MetroCluster controllers have generated AutoSupport notifications with a "DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED" message. Referring to the exhibit, which component is causing the problem?
A. the SAN switch site3_3
B. the SAN switch sitel_2
C. the ATTO bridges on site3
D. the inter-switch link (ISL) between sit el and site3
Answer: A
An administrator on a clustered Data ONTAP 8.3.1 system created a FlexClone of a volume containing a LUN, but the new LUN Is offline and cannot be seen by the client.
In this scenario, which two actions will solve the problem? (Choose two.)
A. The LUN must be mapped to an initiator group.
B. The new volume must be split from the parent volume before the LUN can be used.
C. The LUN must be renamed to be different from the parent LUN.
D. The LUN needs to be brought online.
Answer: CD
You are creating a disk-partitioned root aggregate. Which two rules are enforced automatically when accomplishing this task? (Choose two.)
A. A RAID group cannot have more than one partition from the same disk.
B. A RAID group can have more than one partition from the same disk.
C. The only supported RAID type for aggregates containing root-data partitioned disks is RAID-DP.
D. The only supported RAID type for aggregates containing root-data partitioned disks is RAID 4.
Answer: A
Microsoft SQL Server is being hosted from a Microsoft Hyper-V cluster and is mounting a LUIM from NetApp storage that contains its working databases. In this scenario, which product would be used to ensure that consistent Snapshot copies of the database are obtained?
A. Snap Manager for MS Exchange
B. Snap Manager for Virtual Infrastructure
C. Snap Manager For SQL server
D. Snap Manager for Hyper-V
Answer: C
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