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Microsoft 70-734 Online Prep Materials Microsoft MCP 70-734 Guide 2017

The expert team of Killtest has designed and prepared the Microsoft 70-734 MCP exam. We provides high quality Microsoft 70-734 Online Prep Materials Microsoft MCP 70-734 Guide. It is the best and the latest Microsoft Practice Exams. There are many resources obtainable today for the training both online and offline of any Microsoft 70-734 exam all you have to do is a bit of research.

Candidates can make a decision any of the available method to get ready for Microsoft certification exam by means of Killtest and achieve the passing score. Microsoft 70-734 Online Prep Materials Microsoft MCP 70-734 Guide provide you an ultimate source of study for Microsoft 70-734 MCP Certification Exam. Killtest Microsoft 70-734 Online Prep Materials Microsoft MCP 70-734 Guide are best for you preparing your 70-734 OEM Preinstallation for Windows 10 exam. Killtest Microsoft 70-734 Online Prep Materials Microsoft MCP 70-734 Guide helps materialize your dreams of success with minimum effort. 70-734 test questions are the choice of all IT professionals who aspire to obtain Microsoft 70-734 OEM Preinstallation for Windows 10 certification.

Microsoft 70-734 study materials will provide you with 70-734 real Q&As. If you want to prepare for free practice questions in shortest possible time, with minimum effort but for most effective result, you can use Microsoft 70-734 MCP practice exam which simulates the actual testing environment and allows you to focus on various sections of Killtest. We never compromise on quality of Microsoft 70-734 Online Prep Materials Microsoft MCP 70-734 Guide, so fearlessly get these solutions and pass your MCP 70-734 OEM Preinstallation for Windows 10 Certification. With the complete collection of Killtest Microsoft 70-734 Questions and Answers, Killtest MCP 70-734 exam is high enough to help the candidates to pass Microsoft 70-734 exam easily without any other study materials and no need to attend the expensive training. Killtest offers exclusive Microsoft 70-734 Study Materials for a detailed and accurate look inside the current Microsoft 70-734 Exam Objectives.

Latest Microsoft 70-734 Exam Questions and Answers

You prepare and sell several computers pre-installed with Windows. You need to identify the scenarios that violate the support agreement between the OEM System Builder and an end user that purchases a computer. Which two scenarios violate the support agreement?
A. When an end user replaces the network card, video card, and power supply for the computer.
B. When an end user runs a Push Button Reset (PBR).
C. When an end user adds three hard disks on the computer.
D. When an end user moves the computer's hard disks to another computer and uses the new computer.
E. When an end user replaces the computer's motherboard with another manufacturer's motherboard.
Answer: D,E

You deploy a Windows image to a reference computer. You sign in to the reference computer by using the built-in administrator account and you modify the user environment. You need to deploy the image to several client computers. The image must contain the profile of the built-in administrator account as the default profile. Which two actions should you perform before you capture the image? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
A. Run sysprep.exe/generalize/unattend:unattend.xml.
B. Create an answer file that contains the Microsoft-Windows-SetupUserData settings.
C. Run sysprep.exe/generalize /mode:vm.
D. Run sysprep.exe/audit/unattend:unattend.xml.
E. Create an answer file that contains the Microsoft-Windows-Shell_setup settings.
F. Run dism.exe/apply-unattend:unattend.xml.
G. Run dism.exe/image.
Answer: A,E

You purchase a System Builder pack for Windows 10 Pro and plan to perform an installation by using a Personal Use License. What should you do first to receive support for the installation?
A. change the license
B. contact a Microsoft Authorized Distributor
C. contact Microsoft
D. contact the OEM system builder
Answer: B

You plan to perform a Windows installation on a reference computer named Computer1. You need to identity the location of the log files that will be created when Setup accesses the local drive. Which location should you identify?
A. X:$windows-btSourcesPanther
B. %windir%Logs
C. %windir%Panther
D. X:$windows.-btSources
Answer: C

You work for an OEM builder. You create a custom image of Windows 10 for a customer. You deploy the image to 100 clients that are then shipped to a customer. For recovery purposes, the customer requests that you provide removable media that contains the image. What should you do?
A. Create an image of a reference computer on a USB key by using a third-party imaging software.
B. Inform the customer that the customer must download the custom image from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).
C. Create an image of a reference computer on a DVD by using a third-party imaging software.
D. Inform the customer that you are prohibited from providing a recovery solution for the custom image on removable media.
Answer: D

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