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Killtest NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-SAN, ONTAP NS0-507 Exam NS0-507 Study Guide

The Network Appliance NCIE-SAN is completed with difficult and sensible Network Appliance simulation questions in all the Killtest products related to Network Appliance NCIE-SAN Certification. This gives you more knowledge to improve your skills before your actual Killtest NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-SAN, ONTAP NS0-507 Exam NS0-507 Study Guide.

The Killtest NS0-507 study materials enable you to solve every NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - SAN, Clustered Data ONTAP question, whether it is easy or difficult. We know exactly what is needed and have all the exam notes, preparation guides and practice tests which are included in NS0-507 Network Appliance NCIE-SAN exam simulator. NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-SAN, ONTAP NS0-507 Exam NS0-507 Study Guide could be the lighthouse in your career life because it includes everything required to pass NS0-507 exam. Move ahead of the NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - SAN, Clustered Data ONTAP book and directly start using the Killtest NS0-507 Network Appliance NCIE-SAN exam by using the excellent Network Appliance NCIE-SAN, NS0-507 Network Appliance NCIE-SAN exam questions here at Killtest. Killtest provides its users with high quality NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-SAN, ONTAP NS0-507 Exam NS0-507 Study Guide, which give you the security to pass your NS0-507 Exam.

Network Appliance NCIE-SAN NS0-507 Practice Exam 2017 Killtest NS0-507 Training Materials

Where do you identify the disk shelves and disks that are supported for a specific controller model?

A. Hardware Universe (HWU)
B. Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT)
C. Disk and Aggregates Power guide
D. Installation and Setup Instructions poster
Answer: A

You need to perform a DR test on a FAS8200 with SAN LUNs using the onboard UTA2 with 16Gb SFP+.
In this scenario, what is the minimum port speed required on the DR Site¡¯s FC switches?
A. 2 Gb
B. 16 Gb
C. 8 Gb
D. 4 Gb
Answer: B

According to NetApp best practices, which method should be used for zoning?
A. Single initiator ¨C multiple targets
B. Multiple initiator ¨C single target
C. Single initiator ¨C single target
D. Multiple initiator ¨C multiple targets
Answer: C

You have an iSCSI host that is unable to connect to an SVM that is named “svm1” over a LIF that is named “lif1”. The home node and port of lif1 is cl01-01 port e0e. The event log show command displays the error iSCSI: network interface disabled for use; incoming connection discarded.Which command would you use to solve the problem?
A. Broadcast-domain add-ports –broadcast-domain iscsi –ports cl01-01: e0e
B. iSCSI interface enable –vserver svm1–lif lif1
C. Network interface modify –vserver svm1 –lif lif1 –failover-group default
D. Vserver iscsi create –target-alias svm1 –status-admin up –vserver svm1
Answer: B

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